holy roman empire quick facts

holy roman empire quick facts
Austria-Hungary (historical empire, Europe) -- Encyclopedia Britannica.
Biography.com details the short but significant reign of Henry VII, the first House of. member to serve as both king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor.
Maximilian I (Holy Roman emperor) : Assessment -- Encyclopedia.
holy roman empire quick facts
Pragmatic Sanction of Emperor Charles VI (Holy Roman Empire.Rudolf II (July 18, 1552 – January 20, 1612) was Holy Roman Emperor. as a prize in a string of diplomatic negotiations for marriages, but never in fact married.

. Swabia (as Frederick III, 1147–90) and German king and Holy Roman emperor (1152–90), who challenged papal authority and. QuizHistory: Fact or Fiction?
Quick Facts. Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI and his wife, Elisabeth Christine of. and Bohemia and Hungary—were quick to accept Maria Theresa as their.
Charles the Bald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Biography.com details the short but significant reign of Henry VII, the first House of. member to serve as both king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor.
. biography. King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor during the Middle Ages.. Charlemagne was son of Pepin the Short, King of the Franks. Pepin had begun the rule of the. Fun Facts about Charlemagne. He left his empire to his son.
The army of the Holy Roman Emperor defeated the French army in Italy, but. to the Holy Roman Empire (however, only the latter could be occupied in fact).
Lothair I, Holy Roman Emperor (795–855). The oldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada of Laon, Charlemagne became king in 768 following the death of.
Interesting facts about Belgium - Belgium Guide - Eupedia.
Archduke of Austria, German king, and Holy Roman emperor (1493–1519), who made his family, the Habsburgs, dominant in 16th-century Europe. He added.
Sack of Rome (1527) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.